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2012/6/8 9:35:10 点击数: 【字体:




Tanghe Sesame Slice

    Tanghe Sesame Slice is a traditional specialty in Tanghe County. It has a nice appearance with transparent color and rectangle-shaped with a width of 3.3 cm and a length of 9.9 cm. It is as thin as a piece of paper and plump white sesames dropping on the transparent slices which make them not only crisp and tasty but also full of nutrition.
    Tanghe sesame slice uses elaborate materials and dainty making skill. They choose high-quality sesames, sugar, sticky rice, sugar paste and sesame oil as main materials, cooperating with the processes of combining materials, making sesame nuts, decocting sugar, pressing into slices, cut into smaller slices, etc. The sesame nuts should experience several processes like steeping, washing, frying, etc, which make sure the nuts will be crisp and pure. Furthermore, decocting sugar is the key process in making sesame slices, for its quality of color, sweetness, crisp all make a deep influence on the finished products. When we boil the sugar, we should pay great attention on the problems of the degree and time of heating, the frequency of stirring as well as the temperature. First of all, we should decoct sugar into paste and then stew it combining with white sugar, oil and sesame nuts gradually. Then cut the semi-finished products into smaller slices and dry them in the sun. It’s very wise to use the finished sesame slices, which have high quality and great flavor, as superior gifts and health-care products.           


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