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2012/6/8 9:45:59 点击数: 【字体:


    所谓灌肠,就是将猪肠子洗净,用40%的面粉、60%的猪血,拌成汁灌入肠内,将肠子两头用细绳子扎紧,然后将其放入锅内煮熟的一种食品。煮肠子时最关键的是要边煮边用锥子扎肠子排气,这样肠衣就不会被煮裂。把煮好的灌肠放在保温桶里摆摊卖,这种灌肠叫筲灌肠。筲灌肠只需把剥好的蒜加上少许盐捣成蒜汁,把灌肠切成片,浇上蒜汁就可以吃了。筲灌肠要趁热吃,吃起来感觉入口光滑、软而烂,且辣中带香、香而不腻。内黄人为什么把盛在保温桶中的灌肠称作“筲灌肠” 呢?据说,以前卖灌肠的人,把灌肠煮好以后放在筲(一种用竹子或木头制成的桶)里,担着沿街去卖,所以叫做筲灌肠。现在,社会发展了,人民生活水平提高了,人们就把筲换成了保温桶,可仍管它叫筲灌肠。筲灌肠是内黄现在最流行的小吃,无论早、中、晚,无论春夏秋冬,大街小巷到处都是摆小摊卖灌肠的。看那些灌肠摊前,一个个吃灌肠的人的吃相,就是不饿也会忍不住前去来一碗!“老板,来一碗肥点类。”一口地道的内黄话加一碗热腾腾的筲灌肠就是一个内黄人典型的形象!  

Neihuang Clyster

    There are many famous snacks in Neihuang, such as clyster, bean froth, big steamed bread, among which, the most famous one is clyster.
    Neihuang clyster stems from Xianfeng period of Qing Dynasty, when a butcher Qiu created it and handed down it till now. It’s made by pig blood, chitterlings, flour, sesame oil, spices and other materials to pail clyster when cool mixed and fried clyster when fried. It’s very popular with people for its raciness, special flavor and medical functions of enriching blood, tonifying spleen, strengthening bones as well as helping digest. There has ever a ballad praising it: fill gut with pig blood and flour, fry it in pan, stir it side by side until ripe then we can satisfy our appetite even though not hungry.
    Wash gut, put into 40 percent of flour and 760 percent of pig blood, tie two heads with rope, boil them in pan then we can get delicious clyster. The key to make this dish is to stab gut during boiling so that the cover of clyster will not broken. Sold in stay-warm barrel is Shao Clyster. It’s said that people always sole ripe clysters in a Shao (a wood barrel) so that it was called Shao Clyster. Nowadays, even though people have changed Shao into stay-warm barrels, the traditional name has been kept forever. Shao Clyster is the most popular snack in Neihuang which can be seen and bought in almost everywhere. Sold in fried way is called fried clyster. The best ones are fried with lard oil with dold color, temping smell, crisp outside and soft inside flavor. Fried Clyster appears ealier than Shao Clyster and is more popular in rural places other than urban areas.

著名人物 赵海颜


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