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2012/6/8 9:23:44 点击数: 【字体:


    兰考豆腐乳选料考究,做工精细,选用秋季收获得的无秕粒、无霉变、无杂粒的饱满黄豆和当地产的芝麻油为原料。其制作过程是:先将精选的黄豆和当地产的芝麻油为原料,切成5厘米见方,一厘米厚的块与芝麻油、曲酒、五香粉、精盐等装入瓷罐或广口瓶(原为竹篓),经过太阳暴晒(气温30℃~36℃)25~30 天。如果气温低于25℃,可用火炕加温,成熟后存一段时间成了酱香浓郁,风味独特的豆腐乳。 

Lankao Fermented Beancurd

    Lankao Fermented Beancurd is a local specialty as well as a traditional dish. It has a very long history, dating back to the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. It was created by the House of Fuxing Pickles in Chengxi Street, Lanyang Town about 400 years ago. According to the document, in the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, there was an official, Mr. Liang, whose hometown was the Lanyang town. Once, he came to Kaifeng city to have a visit, when he came back with him some fermented beancurd from the House of Fuxing Pickles to the Emperor. The Emperor endowed it a high admiration with the review: the fragrant smell of the fermented beancurd spreads miles away in the wind. From then on, its nice name of spreading miles away in the wind earned it a great reputation spreading all around our country.
    Lankao Fermented Beancurd uses delicate materials and has a very careful cooking process. It chooses high-quality beans and sesame oil. In the terms of its cooking process, we should cut the beancurd into small piece with width of 5 cm and the thickness of 1 cm; put it into wide-mouth bottle with sesame oil, salt and other materials; lay them down under the sun or the light for about 25 to 39 days; keep them for a long time then we can fulfill the delicious fermented beancurd.
    Lankao Fermented Beancurd has a particular flavor and contains many kinds of nutrition and several medical functions. It had proved to be suitable with the standards established by the Department of Commerce and is popular with customer in 1985.

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