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2012/5/15 11:26:54 点击数: 【字体:

Mud Goo Goo
     Mud Goo Goo is a casual name for clay toys in Xunxian, which all have small shape changing from about 5 cm to less than 20 cm. There are two holes in the end and they can make GooGoo sounds when blew in the holes so that they are called Mud Goo Goo. Yangyi, Liyang County is the major producing area.
     According to the document Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government, at the end of Sui Dynasty, a general Yang Yi set troops there, whose name is used to name the village. At that time, there were some soldiers were able to made clay sculptures to remember died soldiers and horses in battlefield with local plaster. Later, some of them settled down there and handed down this making skill.
    The basic component are figure, animal, bird and contains more than 100 kinds, mainly are figures from Work Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Water Margin and soldiers in Wagang, animals such as tiger, lion, turtledove, peacock and birds. A feature of Mud Goo Goo is that it chooses black as bottom color and paints all kinds of pictures on the bottom color. Colored drawing chooses black and brown as the bottom color and accompanied with pure pink, red, green and other colorful waves. All these color is toned with yolk to make sure the color will shimming and have a strong contrast. Mud Goo Goo has a graceful and plain appearance, and units with pure red and green color which makes it looks so beautiful. Generally, Mud Goo Goo has four making means: made with models, made by hand only, made with models and hand together, adding wire, spring, flexible lion head, etc, on clay toys. The materials and tools artists use are all very simple, usually got casually around them. Nowadays, it is mainly made in small manual workshops.
    Mud Goo Goo has a very long history and tense folk characteristics. The products are all traditional, plain, exaggerated and unique, which is very popular with common people, experts and intelligences. It is praised as living fossil by folklore experts. Nowadays, the major inheritors are Wang Xuefeng, Wang Antian, Song Xuehai, etc. Pitifully, in current times, the young are unwilling to learn this craft skill any more. The traditional craft skill is lack of heritage and faces to being lost.    
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