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2012年06月08日 点击数: 【字体:




Wangqiao Tofu

    Wangqiao Village is located in the northwest of Junxian County, which is famous as a hometown of tofu in Northern Henan. In Qing Dynasty, the tofu workshops began to appear and they have never decayed in these almost 300 years from then on. In 1983, almost every family turned to making tofu after royal areas implementing the policy of enriching farmers. The whole village can produced more than 15,000 kilo each day, which was sold to surrounding towns and cities like Anyang, Hebi, Xinxiang City, etc.
    Wangqiao tofu chooses materials daintily and has careful making processes, among which many are handmade. The processes contain 7 steps: choosing material, soaking, smashing, filtering, stewing, bitterning and pressing. Each kilo beans can be made into 2.5 kilo tofu. The finished tofu has a bright and pure color as well as moderate rigidity. It is convenient to carry and not easy to get rotten. Besides, it also has a very nice appearance and flavor after fried. All these qualities make it one of the best vegetarian dishes, which is popular with hundreds of consumers. 

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