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2012/5/28 11:27:28 点击数: 【字体:



  Baofeng Marionette Drama

    Baofeng Marionette Drama is a folk art spreading in the west of our country, which can date back to the Zhanguo period, when a general in Chuguo Country used wood puppets to exercised shooting and then in Song and Yuan Dynasty, these puppets are developed for a further step. It raised to its highest point till the 1990s, when there were over 1000 play group in the town. 
    Baofeng Marionette Drama has unique national characters, diversity and rich cultural value, which mainly reflect in these aspects: it's remains of ancient puppets in central plain region; it's an example for us to study the communication between the central plain culture and other national cultures; it's an example to study how dialect is used in folk drama; it's beneficial for us to study various period's puppets and can be regarded as a living fossil for the development of national dressing; it's first hand information for us to study the development and spreading of puppet art in China; it's much valuable to study the relationship between folk life and economic and social development; the mature string skill and puppet craftsmanship it contains have precious artistic value.       

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