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2012/5/28 11:54:34 点击数: 【字体:


 The Music For the Royal
    The play group of The Music For the Royal lives in Tianshan Village, Longmen, Luoyang city. This group has more than 30 members and use pipes, bamboo flute, Chinese gong chimes and other instruments to play. According to historical materials, The Music For the Royal, created in Wu Zetian period of Tang Dynasty, has large scale and magnificent imposing manner. It uses over 300 kinds of instruments, played by over 1600 persons at one time, directed and written words, music by the Emperor, Wu Zetian. After the Emperor's death, this music leaps to folk. Bai Changle, a descendant of Bai Juyi, ever heard this music by chance in Fengxue Temple in the Xuanhe period of Song Dynasty and then learned it for 3 years and organized a group to play it. This magnificent music was promoted by him. Nowadays, it has experienced 20 generations but still remains original principles, that is, never participate general weddings and funerals but only play in pilgrimage ceremonies in the Longmen Grottoes and Guanlin Temple. 
    After 1980s, this music group has played for more than 100 times in activities like International Pilgrimage Ceremony in Guanlin Temple, the Opening Ceremony of Peony Show and so on. The most influential national TV station CCTV and provincial station HNTV report it many times. Some exports and media praise it as Living Fossil in Music, A Unique Talent in Heluo, the Best Music from Time Immemorial and the No.1 in Central Plain. 

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